The winter ice is thawing and it’s time to head outdoors to take in the beautiful spring weather. You can find athletes and spectators alike, taking advantage of the season—and providing an array of opportunities for owners of luxury portable restrooms. Whether out in the park playing little league, cheering on the local school team or enjoying the big game at the local sports center, you can count on a crowd that will cheer for the style and sanitation a luxury portable brings to any event.
Family Fun
For many families, nothing says quality time like youth sports. Little league baseball teams and other local youth sports tournaments can draw huge crowds for weekends full of fun. Youth sports also provide a great opportunity for luxury portable restrooms and can even serve as a repeat opportunity throughout the sports season. The Prestige Restroom Trailer by NuConcepts is a great option for events with large crowds full of families. Its multi-unit trailer options are a helpful way to eliminate lines—which is handy when you have to get back out on the field—and the 40% roomier interior is an extra convenience to families with young kids. To add an extra layer of sanitation for families, add a NuConcepts Very Impressive Portable sink near the snack bar or anywhere germs could be passed. These commercial-grade hand washing stations come with customizable options to ensure they can handle any curve balls thrown their way.
Top of the Class
School sports are a surefire way to draw a crowd. Whether it’s the local high school or the state university, parents, the student body, and fans show up to cheer on the school’s track meet, wrestling match, football or baseball game. Get into the spirit by using this as an opportunity for your luxury portable restroom. Consider a model built for large crowds and long days with a super roomy interior and increased waste capacity that can handle up to 170 uses like the Diplomat by NuConcepts. Featuring faux marble countertops, recessed LED ceiling lighting and an upgraded heavy-duty auto-off faucet, the Diplomat is sure to score big with your sports crowd.
At the Big Game
Is there anything better than the spring air and the big game? Throngs of sports fans don’t think so. This year, you can expect minor and major league stadiums to hit max capacity both inside the stadium and outside for the pre-game tailgating. Because these crowds can be extra large, they often require overflow restroom facilities. The VIP by NuConcepts is the perfect model for excitable game day crowds. Known as the “workhorse of the industry,” this beauty features proprietary extruded aluminum structural elements, lightweight polyethylene walls, and sun-strong fiberglass doors that protect your investment no matter what team it’s up against.
NuConcepts Luxury Portables
Do luxury portables have you cheering yet? To find out more about how you can add one of our top-tier sanitation models to your fleet, contact us today!